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This image is one of my favorites. This is a friend’s ring and one Sunday night, she and her husband came over for dinner. I then saw her ring and asked her if I could take some pictures of it. She immediately took it off her finger and hand it to me.

The original image shows a lot more shadows. One of the biggest things that I did to make my image perfect is to take off all the shadows. I made the background way darker so the image focuses on the ring. I raised the vibrance of the image to make the colors way stronger and so it is easier to see that the ring is rose gold. As well, I played with the colors to make the center diamond look a little blue.

I asked my classmates about any edits that could be done to make it better. One of the things they told me was to sharpen the diamond in the center way more. That was the last edit I made to make it stand out way more.

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