Project 4: Montage


  1. Description: Inspirational montage that encourage virtue and happiness by blending two pictures and adding a quote.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): I added the picture of the bride into the right size (8.5 x 11) of the document. Then I opened in another document the picture of the temple. I used the Lasso tool to crop the temple picture to the right size. I added the temple picture to the bride’s picture and played with it around to see where it fit right. I chose to put it on the left side of the bride (or back side), in order to show how the temple can help become more virtuous. I then added a mask over the temple to blend it into the bride. Then, I added the quote and fix it with different fonts and sizes so that it would show a hierarchy. I chose the colors of the text depending on the colors of the bride (skin) and the background (lime).
  3. Message: I wanted to show the importance of virtue and the temple and how it can make a person happy.
  4. Audience: My target audience is the youth, specifically the young women.
  5. Top Thing Learned: The thing I learn the most was to use the mask tool and blend images.
  6. Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: None.
  7. Color scheme and color names: Triadic – Lime, Indigo, Brick
  8. Title Font Name & Category: Billabong regular – Script
  9. Copy Font Name & Category: Times New Roman – Oldstyle
  10. Thumbnails of Images used:
  11. MAC_2009MAC_8692




11.  Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site): Taken by Martin Carrasco Photography. Personal photos.

Actions speak louder than words

Because I’m taking a PR class, I am obligated to search for PR situations. This past week, I heard something that made me worried. Nothing bad, I promise. But, I do have to say that it involves many people.

Blue Bell has been, to me, the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever eaten. My favorite is Rocky Road.



I was reading through PR daily and I found an interesting article that discuss the press conference that Blue Bell had. This is what President and CEO Paul Kruse said:

“We’re all part of one team, and we tried to keep everyone on the payroll for as long as possible.”

Reading this statement, makes me think like he’s trying so hard to make the public believe that Blue Bell is “one team.” In reality, to me, it seems like his actions are speaking louder that his words. I am glad and from a PR position, I think Blue Bell did the right thing by speaking up. In my perspective, their words are not the best ones to have chosen because of the same reason that there were still layoffs.

Also, he starts his statement by saying how difficult this is to him, yet from my understanding, he is not getting layoff nor getting a reduction in pay. Interesting how his words seems compassionate and caring but at the same time, the public and himself, knows that he is far from getting layoff.

Rather than compassionate and caring, Kruse did not seem real; which to me, is the most important thing about communicating with the public whom love Blue Bell as much as I do.

I do agree with the fact that the President himself decided to speak about this situation. He didn’t send another person to do it for him. Instead, he faced the public with what is happening.

In my perspective, this was an interesting and smart PR move. He faced the public and spoke up with what he knew was happening with Blue Bell.

Here’s the link to the article. In the article, there is a video of Kruse explaining the situation.


Let me know what your thoughts are.



P3: Photodesign


  1. Description: Demonstrate a good quality photo with different editing skills. Added color into the poster to match with the photo.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): First, I sketched an idea of what I wanted to do. I took pictures of different and decided to focus on the complementary color scheme- blue and orange. I used a Nikon camera and added the photo to Photoshop to do some edit. I used the sharp tool around the ring. Then, added the basic edit tool such as brightness, color balance, and saturation. I opened a new document on Photoshop (8.5′ x 11′) and added the image to the blank document. Then, I added three rectangular lines (two at the bottom and one at the left side). I used the lasso tool to select the ring area and make it more blue rather than silver. I added the color swatches on the bottom and there it is.
  3. Message: My purpose of the design is to communicate that girls/ladies like jewelry. I wanted to keep the colors simple and formal.
  4. Audience: Male students who are in a current formal relationship.
  5. Top Thing Learned: The most important thing that I learned was to not flatten the layers right away. Instead, to wait and review the design before finalizing it.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Complementary – Blue and Orange
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Billabong Regular – Script
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Billabong Regular – Script
  9. Thumbnail of original, unedited image inserted Date and location you took the photo(s): 


    Tuesday May 19. Inside Hinckley building.

You’re going to love him, they said.

Earlier today, as I was scrolling down my news feed on Facebook, I came across a link shared by a friend. The name of the link said “WARNING: This video will make you love Justin Bieber.”

Here’s the link for you:

I know, its a bit long… But I wanted to write about it since I’ve been hearing or seeing some interesting results from this grown up boy.

As of today, Justin Bieber appeared in this video which showed him and James Corden driving around Los Angeles. To me, it seemed like they were simply having a relax moment and fit perfect with wasting gas.

As James Corden started asking question about Justin’s life, the feeling of being in an interview completely went away. Justin was simply being himself. Which honestly, I loved. I am not a Bieber fan. AT ALL! But I have to admit that Justin is himself most of the time, on air or not.

I think it is interesting (thinking PR wise,) that he is 21 years-old, has have a lot of… things happened to him (caused by him,) and still stands as #5 top 10 most popular Hollywood singer ( — According to ABC News Point). Honestly, I truly believe that (aside from his PR practitioner) Justin Bieber is simply being himself; which is what people like about him.

In the video, he literally opens the window and says hi to people and let them take pictures of him. Which, to me, shows that he really enjoys and appreciates the love his fans have to him.


A month ago, Justin performed with Ariana Grande. As he stepped into the stage, he forgot the lyrics. He kept on singing and did an incredible job at pumping up the audience for Ariana. Once the song was over, he openly said how he had forgotten the words.

I’m pretty sure any artist/singer would have done the same thing but what impresses me the most, is how at young age, he already knows that being honest will get him even at a higher level in his career.

Here the video for this,

To end,

I am still no fan of Justin Bieber and don’t think I will EVER be.

I have to say that his honesty takes him high at the top. Which is what the public, mostly the teenagers that follow him, want to see.

Honesty is the key to success. Remember that.



P3 Activity: Photography


Light 1 – Outside

Light 2 – Inside

Focus 1 – Foreground

Focus 2 - Background

Focus 2 – Background

Composition 1 - Thirds

Composition 1 – Thirds

Composition 2 - Lead Room

Composition 2 – Lead Room

I really enjoyed working with a camera and Photoshop. There were new skills that I learned that helped me understand a better view or perspective of images. Since this was my first time using a camera, I had to ask a classmate (with more experience), if she could help me. She taught me the different things I could change in the camera so that when I upload the pictures into Photoshop to edit, much editing is not necessary.

The process of this activity took not long to produce. I decided to go to the Gardens on campus. I figured there would be a lot of different places to get cool ideas for this activity. I started my activity by taking the Focus photographs. I enjoyed this part of the activity because I could have taken photos of any place. Then, I moved on to Light. This was a little hard, mostly for the outside, because the day light was terrible. I had to do much editing in order to see and appreciate the picture more. Lastly, I did the Composition. In this part of the activity, I struggled a little more because I hadn’t become an expert on Thirds and Lead room. After this assignment, for sure I will see these two subjects.

Project 2: Event Ad


  1. Description: Colorful event ad to promote event to learn about saving water using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I used a scanner to scan my photo. Then, I added it to Microsoft Word (2013). I made the photo fit to page in order to also be seen as a background. I added a few words to describe what can be done. I then added the logo of the company.
  3. Message: The purpose of my ad is to encourage the public to save water by donating to an association.
  4. Audience: My target audience are college students.
  5. Color scheme and color names: Split Complementary – teal, red, and orange.
  6. Top Thing Learned: I learned how to properly scan and use Microsoft word to make an ad.
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Cooper Black – Old Style
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Century Gothic – Sans Serif
  9. Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location of scanner used: The image I scanned was originally from the Natural History from 2010. The original image had words written around the image and it was a 8.5″ x 11″. I scanned in a 400 resolution to later cut the image and zoom in to where the flower is at.


Between a Man and a Woman

Two nights ago, as I was busy working on homework, I overheard my husband; who was laying down on his back, say “What?!” I looked at him right away and ask what had happened. He put down the phone, sat down, looking straight at me, and began telling me what caused him to be so impressed.

Wall Street Journal, on May 12th, published an article named “Firms Tell Gay Couple: Wed or Lose your Benefits.” (

The article basically describes how if the Supreme Court decides “gay couples [are] constitutionally entitled to marry,” then corporations/business owners would require all couples need to get married in order for their partners to continue receiving health-care coverage among other benefits that they had domestic partners.

As I was reading this, the first thing that came to my mind is, “This is fair.”

Thinking that everyone thinks like me, I figured there would be similar responses. Instead, those couples that desired to be married, now are saying that they are being discriminated against their sexual orientation for not being married.  They are not willing to have their partners lose the benefits received.

This is really interesting because now the public tries, as much possible, to keep this topic in the down low in order to avoid problems and confrontations. I understand why this would happen. It is a serious topic that can become hurtful to both sides of the party. The deal here is, how people are handling it.

Thinking about Public Relations, there isn’t much that has been done. The Supreme Court has the last say. All we can do is wait.

If the Supreme Court does see gay marriage as a “constitutional right” then I do expect controversy in both sides of the picture (for or against gay marriage.) Really, whatever the Supreme Court decides to do, I hope in the end, they stand firm and respond quick with an answer to the “why.”


Thinking about marriage in general, I believe it is a beautiful and sacred thing between a man and a woman. The Family: A Proclamation to the World says the following: “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God…”

Marriage is something that is worth to fight for. It is something E V E R Y O N E has the capacity to get to a succeed at.


Stay beautiful,



Project 1: Flier


Description: Black and white flier to advertise and encourage graduate seniors to attend.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): First, I did five different sketches. From those five, I decided to make another one and ended up using that style. I followed the same sketch in order to design my flier in Adobe InDesign. First I added the text that was required. Then, I chose the logo and the image that would fit perfect with the text and the design. I made various emphasis on different words. The first is obviously the title, and the second one is the question. This is to make a hierarchy from most important to least and for it to flow. I then added two lines around the corner to keep the focus point in the design. I left white space at the top right hand corner and at the bottom.

Message: My purpose is to reach graduating seniors in order for them to receive techniques in becoming future leaders in the community.

Audience: Graduating seniors between the ages of 22- 26 years-old.

Top Thing Learned: The importance of aligning every piece of the design with something.

Title Font Name & Category: Elephant – Modern

Copy Font Name & Category: Century Gothic – Sans Serif

Links to images used in this project:

Education all the way & not for the play.

In my ABOUT ME, (and if you haven’t already looked at it, I suggest you do because I will always go back to it and things will make more sense about me) I mention three of my passions.  One of them is educating and communicating with children. This though, has never been on my mind! Neither have I ever consider becoming an educator.

Here’s the story behind it:

Two years ago, right after graduating from High School, I started working at an Early Learning Center which I love so much, All Star Academy. There I educated myself into the importance of young children. I left that job (which I now miss!) with a greater understanding of how much children mean to me.  Someday I wish to become a mother. Don’t know of how many, but for sure as they are growing my husband and I will implement in them the importance of communicating and educating children.


Now that I’ve given you the “why” to this passion of mine, this is what I want to focus on:

For my Public Relations class, my classmates and I were assigned to read a case study called Ketchum Captured in Pay-for-Play Ethical Lapse. To give a summary about this case, it basically relates to the campaign No Child Left Behind and ethics. Back in 2003, Armstrong Williams promoted this campaign after getting paid a good amount of money. This case taught me so many things about so many different subjects.

a. An outcome from this case, is that when I or someone close to me, makes a mistake or gets caught doing something “wrong,” then he/she or I need to act fast. In this case, Williams began to be attacked by media about his decisions of promoting this (in my perspective) valuable campaign. His ethics were hit hard, and his respect was completely lost. Something that Williams did not do, which I would’ve done, is to act and calmly respond to these attacks.

b. Another outcome that I gained from this case is the importance of this phrase, “DON’T SELL OUT.” What does this mean? This is my definition: DO NOT change nor play with your morals, principles, and personal beliefs. This, in the case of Williams. It caused him to loose the trust of the public.

c. Lastly, if I were in his position, I would act completely different (notice I didn’t say react; there is a difference). The way I would act, would be to still support this campaign but much more. I would become active into the events they have and help them in any type of cause (which there are many). I would make myself believe (even if I didn’t) that I do support this campaign because it motivates all children to push themselves.

Now, the topic of children is HUGE. This is in short, what I can say about ALL this.

1. Children are no joke.

2. Children understand. Sometimes even more than many adults that I’ve met. What can we do? Learn from them.

3. Nothing (not even money) can win a child’s heart but the love you give them.

4. Understand, believe and teach that you are the adult,

and finally,

5. Don’t leave them behind.


Stay beautiful,


Racism all over

This past week, I have been hearing all kinds of comments about racism. I think all the comments started with the Baltimore riots becoming notorious nationwide. The topic of course, has been active and known since before.

Racism is something I did not grow up with. I learned about it in school, but once I was able to really understand it, I realized how sensitive and passionate of a topic it is.

The reason for writing about this topic is because I’m seeing it more and more. I want to clear out that I am no one, nor someone, to tell you how to live your life. Yet, I am writing about this topic hoping for someone to evaluate the way they are living their lives and how, in many occasions, their comments and way of life may hurt people. I have experienced racism with words, actions, and even blank stares from all kinds of people (students, friends, professors, faculty and more). And for the same reason, I want to share with all those who I can, my true feelings about this topic.

While thinking and searching a little more about a good topic that I’m passionate about, I came across a crisis case from

The name of the article is: AT&T fires president over racist text. It was published this same day (April 30th, 2015). The article explains how AT&T received “a $100 million discrimination lawsuit” because its President of Content and Advertising, Aaron Slator had “offensive images and texts on [his] phone.” This case gets to me because this man could have kept his job if he hadn’t taken his words lightly. I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean to offend anyone. Yet, the offense still happened. Sometimes, we say things without thinking, as in this occasion.  Now, in my perspective, I think AT&T handled this problem the right way. By firing Slator they minimize the risk of future lawsuits. AT&T could have used different words rather than “terminated” in their statement, so there would be no negative connotation.  This issue of racism is still going, and will continue, until we speak up.

Continuing with the issue, this past week I received some upsetting news from my husband. He applied for a job three weeks ago, for which he was well-qualified. Now I’m not saying this because he is my husband, but because truly, he has more experience in the workforce than many who are now working. He didn’t get the job. Which made us question the hiring system our school follows for students. We have a close friend (also well-qualified for any job) who has also applied to many positions and has been denied. The connection between my husband and our friend goes more deep than I wish it could. They are both Latinos and seek for the so called, “American Dream.” We truly believe, without exaggerating, that the reason they both did not get the job is because of their heritage. Which is sad. Racism is all over.

Last, I would like to add this video I came across about two days ago while scrolling down on my news feed. It speaks for itself. Please watch.


Racism is happening all over. It is real. We need to stop it.

There is much more to life than the differences between people. WE are all beautiful, created by a Divine being.


Stay like that,

Marivi R. Lugo