Blog #2




  1. I designed the cover of the photo book by using the elipse tool to draw the circles at the bottom right hand corner. I made each circle a different size.
  2. No photos were used in the cover.

Photos in page 2 from left to right, top to bottom:

  • LDS Jordan River Temple, South Jordan, Utah.
  • My view from the top of Desolation Trail, Taylorsville, Utah.
  • Family photoshoot, taken by Maria Corona Photography, Bountiful, Utah.
  • LDS Draper Temple, Draper, Utah.
  • LDS Salt Lake City Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Post Edit:

I edited the photo of the LDS Draper Temple using brightness and contrast to give the photo more light. I also adjusted the exposure.


Before edit







All photos were taken by me using my iPhone 6. Fonts used: Sweet Pea (name), Andale Mono (photography), Trebuchet MS (text).

Who Am I?


Welcome all! My name is Marivi Lugo and I am a communicator. I prefer for someone to show me rather than tell me. It makes much more sense to me. Little by little I am learning the skills and procedures to become a visual communicator. It is a skills I desire.


People see things more rapidly than they read. I want those around me to know what I am talking about without having for me to describe it. Instead, I want to show them my thoughts and feelings.
